

I'm does it feel in your body when I ask you to untether yourself??


I'm not talking a crazed Spring Break sort of irresponsible untethered, I'm talking about setting your soul, your heart and your mind FREE from ANY and ALL perceived limitations you may have allowed yourself to be bound to.


After a lifetime of restraint, I am embodying this version of me and I have never felt more like my truest self!!


I have a wild level of fiery energy bubbling inside my soul…and it’s time to share it with the ones who are ready.


Ready to break down any walls, shatter the glass ceiling and fly full throttle into your truest most undeniable self & soul calling!!

I’ve created a new evolutionary program.

UNTETHERED is for you if you are ready to flick that internal switch on high---living, being, thriving in your power!

After a season of emotional swings, physical upheavals, radical self love, a 10 day solo adventure & settling into a fresh environment, I was called to create this program.

This beautiful container is the manifestation of me coming into my own personal power and it’s an honor to share my findings with others who are ready.

I decided this would be an “evolutionary” program, meaning that each module will be released as I am called to teach on practices & principles I’m embodying in living my life as my most authentic & magical self.

Thus far, the modules are coming monthly…and they keep getting even better!

The introductory module is a conversation around coding and how we get to untether ourselves from the beliefs we’ve soaked up from others throughout our life. To find how capable we are once we free ourselves from implied limitations. Very powerful!

Module 2 is about dreams & the power of our imagination to create.

It holds a glorious visualization exercise where I guide you to create a sacred space that you can access anytime for your sanctuary to be & dream. We talked about the importance of dreaming without logistics to bind you.

Module 3 taps into the power inside you.

I have been digging deep into the concept of personal power—what it actually is—the source—and how to utilize this power center of our very core of being.

This conversation goes well into the realm of metaphysics. I am an avid reader of ancient wisdom and my intention is to articulate my learning in the most comprehensible way for you.

Module 4 is GODDESS!

This module sold as a stand alone course. She is a masterpiece!

This training is all about activating your divine feminine power and bringing her into your everyday life, making you an absolute MAGNETIC FORCE to your desires.

There is now a 20+ page Goddess Guidebook that you get access to in our private Facebook group. It contains an incredible amount of useful tools including self love rituals, mantras, visualization, recipes and even a treasure hunt list!


Module 5 is all about MONEY!


You will receive powerful exercises to help you shift your energy quickly around money and become an open channel for receiving.

I share what has worked to bring myself from struggle to victory and continues to move me forward every single day.


The modules will keep coming until the course feels complete.


The topics will continue to be around self mastery, manifesting, imagination & living as our most unique & “untethered” selves.

Each time I release a module, the price increases.

*At whatever point you purchase the program, you receive lifetime access to ALL the modules-previously released & whatever I add going forward.

*All of this is held inside a private Facebook group where you also enjoy the benefit of being in a network of like minded souls.

*From time to time, I will hold bonus Zoom “workshops” & discussions to bring us together face to face. You will have opportunities to share your own thoughts, findings & questions.

I’m smiling so big as I’m writing these words as I realize how truly powerful & meaningful this program is to me.

I am both delighted & grateful for those who decide to join me on this fantastic soul journey.

UNTETHERED gets to be a life-changing program for you if you are ready to show up and do the work.

Action + Belief has brought me to where I am in my personal power today.

Are you ready?

Today's price is normally $777 but today you are purchasing my half birthday offer which gives you the wildly low price of only $444 which INCLUDES a 1:1 soul strategy session with me!! Holy Smokes!!!


I want my wild ones with me on this journey of evolution & magic.

I know it’s your time to fly.

Having an incredibly powerful energy to calibrate to will be a catalyst to you.

Join me.

Let’s live…


XOXO Odessa Christiana

*Upon purchase, your name will be added to our group list. Request to join the group HERE